Depending on that decision, we will let the members of the Quayside Community Board know what the next step will be in this continued struggle for peace and quiet in the late evening and early morning hours.
The Record posted the question: Do you think trains at the Quay are too noisy? The result of that online poll was 85% YES and 15% NO.
We are looking for your continued support and pose the following question:
Do you think trains The QCB and local politicians should continue their fight to reduce rail noise between the hours of 11pm and 7am?
I fully agree that the Quay and politicians should continue to work with the rail companies to solve this problem of noise during evening hours.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very exciting time. We might actually get some peace and quiet at night. Good Luck to you people on the Quayside Board!
ReplyDeleteNo point in 'trains and QCB and local politicians' continue to fight like you say. Not about the fight, not about politic win. All about good night sleep and nice community. If all three talk like you say then discuss, not fight, find solution, not politic win. Trains not going away people not going away so no purpose in fight if they talking. Discuss and find solution! Thanks you to everyone work on this!
ReplyDeleteYes! I agree that the Quay and politicians should continue to work with the rail companies to solve this problem of noise during evening hours. As Peter Julian said..."Quayside residents; in fact all Canadians, are entitled to a good night’s sleep."
ReplyDeleteThere is nowhere else in the lower mainland that a town squanders an opportunity to build along the fraser river. Not in Vancouver or North Vancouver Quay. Both cities know how lucrative tourism dollars are but they also want the revenue from the train traffic by allowing the trains to stay BUT AWAY from pedestrian contact. North Vancouver Quays trains are UNDERGROUND. This allowed for the Quay market to become a massive success. They didnt choose one over the other - they choose to have BOTH. New Westminster needs vision and much less talk. We need key people to approach movers and shakers to transform the ugly, noisy and polluting train corridor into a beautiful park. Ambleside Park is another example in West Vancouver where you can co-exist but QUIETLY and respectfully. All the talk from rail companies is TALK. It's rich in verbage but there is absolutely NOTHING that offers the residence any light at the end of the tunnel. I will begin posting signs on Begbie Street this summer to protest the inaction of train companies and politicians alike. With the construction of Pier Park in the horizon it is only time when some child cycles to that park and is struck by a train. The signs are coming soon and if things dont start progressing we will become increasingly and apparent with our demands. Politicians will be voted out of office. how about it, Mayor? Do you want to serve another term or are you going to remain silent?
ReplyDeleteWe are resident at Carnarvon St for two years and we can joint you to support your task force about this noisy disturbances problem.
ReplyDeleteBefore going forward let me said I am French native retired and can't write English like a local. Nevertheless I want express thoughts and match with you information got about this subject.
Feel free to contact me anytime
Best regards
I moved from the Willard and Marine Way area of southeast Burnaby into "The Dockyards" in the Queensborough area two months ago. I use to be able to hear the train horns from Willard but since I moved to Salter Ave it is just insane. I see that you are in a legal battle with the rail companies over the obscene level of noise generated all night long as they lay on their horns at the crossings. Where is your fight at and what can others do do stop the insanity of train horns all night long?
ReplyDeleteSupport you 100% !! The CN is making everyone lives hell here in a suburb of Kamloops, our property values have dropped by over $50,000.00 because of increased traffic, rail car size and weight, the length of the trains, and the speed they are traveling through our "burb". Its like living in an earthquake zone and we cant sell our houses. Broken windows, damaged foundations, electrical and plumbing problems and being woke up 4-5-6 times a night with trains traveling at high speed and then slamming on their brakes and cars crashing together, furniture bouncing, mirrors, doors etc slamming against the walls, its a nightmare and sleep deprivation and resulting health problems have caused 3 residents in our townhouse complex to have heart attacks, who had NO health problems prior to moving here. In the past 45 minutes there has been SIX trains go past.. ALL of them rattling windows, the floor bouncing, walls creaking, light fixtures rattling - and 2 blown light bulbs